Do you know what is a sensual massage? This is a massage that can be very sensual and fun! If you are new to this world of sensuality and have not yet experienced what is a sensual massage, feel free to read all that you need to know! Erotic massage isn’t something to be ashamed of but more than that it isn’t something you can learn for a quick cash transaction either! However it doesn’t mean you cannot learn how to give it to your partner as a gift, in fact, and I will show you how.
To give a sensual and erotic massage, we must first of all, identify and pinpoint our erotic zones. Erotic areas are areas of the body that have a heightened sense of sexual arousal and pleasure. The head, neck, ears, feet and eyebrows are obvious but there are other areas you might not have thought about. So make a list of these areas to pinpoint. Now go and get yourself a nice warm washcloth and put on a fresh face mask or masking tape.
Start at the top of your partner’s body and work your way down to the bottom. You want to lightly rub your hands along your partner’s back, neck, shoulders, chest and breast tissue. The trick with a sensual massage is to use light touches along the sensitive erogenous zones, which are the breasts and inner thighs. Start from the top of your partner’s back and work your way down, using light pressure.
Another great touch that will add some serious sexual tension is to massage your partner’s nipples with a twisting motion. You can start in the middle of the nipple and continue to your other hand. If your partner is particularly sensitive, you may need to use a light touch or stimulate more than one nipple at a time. Once you feel as if your client has reached a climax, take your position and massaging their sexual areas will send them into a sexual frenzy. If they are open to being stimulated, this will send out a message to them that they are close to climaxing.
Sensual massages should never be rushed through. They should be given enough time to become an erotic adventure. Most spas have sensual therapy programs set up for their clients and they should be free to go through them as they wish. Don’t feel bad if you have to pull out part way through a particular sensual therapy session. The important thing is to give it all you’ve got.
When you’re learning what is a sensual massage, don’t worry too much about knowing how to perform them correctly. In fact, there are now professional therapists who teach on an instructional video as well as providing students with a sensual and erotic massage to give their customers. If you do go to a therapist you should ask plenty of questions to make sure that they are qualified to perform them. Make sure they have a license to practice as well as special skills in the form of training.
Most sensual massages are geared towards women’s sexual arousal and climax. However, men also have their very own erotic needs. Some men simply want to achieve full body relaxation and orgasmic release so they may want to learn a sensuous massage that deals with the male genital area. There are many different areas in the body that can be reached during a sensual massage including the back, inner thighs, buttocks, chest, neck, shoulders and face among other places.
What is an erotic massage? It’s the ability to get both the physical and emotional rewards of sensual massages while giving the best way for sexual arousal and orgasmic release to any of your partner whether man or woman. It’s a great way to strengthen your intimate relationship while increasing sexual pleasure. Discover the sensual massage today!